Saturday, 19 May 2012



We are all often too quick when we think of the homeless to stereotype and judge ............ we think of the drunk tramp, the heroin addict or maybe the runaway teen?
............................................. my conclusions after going through archives of information that's available to Jo-public!.. on this particular subject, revealed a very different picture to the stereo typical homeless person that we have become accustomed to picturing in our minds!
the truth of the matter is.................... referring to an older documentary  Every day families all across Britain are forced to leave their homes. This emotional film,is a damning indictment of the fate which awaits them. It follows three young girls and their families into the nightmare of homelessness - a frightening and rarely seen world of dingy hotel rooms and temporary accommodation hostels. Part of the BBC's No Home initiative highlighting poverty and homelessness in Britain today HTTP:// ..........

.it could be you next what will you do to survive?? 
in previous statistics in less than 10 years England and it children's chances of growing up in poverty increases..........
260.02701 of possession orders made
4000,000 no of days per year missed school hours due to homeless related reasons,
1,247,209,000,000 monies owed by UK population in personal debt,
1,546,954 is the no of families in England  on waiting lists for social housing!!
680.412 no of houses standing empty during this period!!
2,300,000 is the number of people trapped in poverty by their housing costs!
730.072 is the amount local authorities spent on temporary accommodation in 1 year!
645 is the average no of days homeless families spend in temporary housing!!
It is difficult to believe that in such a together country as the UK even have ANY homeless statistics in the millennium years!

In today's modern Britain the public are crying out for an end to the desperate situations children and families as a whole have been faced with. Either unemployment, alcohol, drug addiction, or rising costs of private renting many families through no fault of their own are set to face hardships that were endured during the past 40's.

are we completely ignorant to the affects this is having on our future generations and the strain on the family unit this whole situation? ..................  the figures above show the statistics on previous years but what we don't see is the lasting damage
............ It is almost like a cull of the poorest in communities as families are passed between boroughs. Many families have no choice but to accept their destinies in run down areas of high crime and sometimes worse job opportunities ......... but it seems they do have a choice... accept the life line chance to keep u r family together or face loosing your children the become wards of the state and taken into care or foster placement? 

Many families find them selves pushed from bed and breakfasts due to the legislation in government that families cannot spend longer periods than six weeks in any one temporary housing situation so to keep these figures down they merely shuffle the homeless about..........   but even then the above figures prove this isn't a solution but merely a target on paper for local authorities to adhere to regardless of the affect on the families situation.

the effect of this alone is a nightmare the emotional stress on the children is blatant the physical needs and mental stimulation plummet during this  time (esp in temporary housing) where their dietary needs too suffer due to little or no facilities to cook or store food and even their basic human rights aren't met! During a risk assessment that the possibilities of harm to children in these situations rocket through the roof!! .....More contact with strangers ......Becoming more reliant on hand outs .......... depression..........stigmatisation ...........lack of sleep..........poorer hygiene facilities........cost of living soars even higher when u have to eat out for a hot meal.........children find the instability's cause further problems.......... not being able to make solid lasting friendships............socialising.........travelling to and from school.......studying in a crowded environment ........the lack of access to a computer or ability to keep books as a homeless child travels light they ofton lack the basics alone.

As i have sought information from all sources regarding the homeless in UK, it sickens me to find the reality is much bigger and damming! than any leading politician dare to admit.
Is this why during the current crisis and we see families torn apart and children becoming orphans and homeless!
WHY is so little being done?  When we see the figures above which grow each year! Our government continue to flood the country with immigration telling us (there isn't a problem, that we have the resources the jobs ) Do they really think that the British public are stupid enough to keep on with this culling of the poorest in our communities! While government spend billions each year on foreign aid and illegal wars i ask this question???? Where is the aid for the poverty in UK??? 
Who does our government and local authorities really represent because the statistics and evidence show that its defiantly not for the British public!!!!